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Keep track of all your whisky tastings quickly and easily. Spend more time drinking whisky and less time making notes.*Use the color guide to the record the flavor profile of each whisky.*See the flavor profile, rating, date and notes on all of your
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What makes a chess game immortal? There are some games that are so stunning that people are still talking about them and studying them hundreds of years after they were played. Some games are stunning victories. Some are known for being losses. Other
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Egg Recipes are one of the most popular food recipes containing many important nutrients for adults and children.eggs are a good source of protein and the cheapest.It also includes vitamins A, D, E, B12, niacin, minerals, calcium, zinc and iron. but
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A guardian must protect her people against the horrors of a world grown wild in the wake of civilisations fall.FEATURES+ Guardian Maia Ep1 is free to play. + Interactive fiction, choose your own adventure with choice and consequence.+ Unique combat s
VineSleuth’s flavor-based, interactive menus offer a personal beverage advisor for every guest based on your beverage list.Guests simply indicate their flavor preferences in beer or wine to be shown the choices they will most enjoy, food pairings an
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Are you a teenager who is looking for a good magazine? Are you a parent who is searching for a magazine that your teen will enjoy and benefit? If so, you’ll relish a subscription to ExtraOrd magazine!ExtraOrd is a different kind of Teen Magazine. Th
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The Enlightenment Workbook of Buddhist Mysticism is a magical book dedicated to the Enlightenment of you. Samvara, a Buddhist monk and teacher guides you on a magical journey to directly see the truth of your own mind.The Enlightenment Workbook is an