心电 ecg a-z pro

临床心电图诊断中 99.9% 的诊断术语的详细解释:心电图特征,判读标准,病因,临床病症,参考病例。为你未来的医生生涯打下坚实的心电基础。Build a solid Cardiology basis for your future career.心电考试题库,包含几百道题目,涵盖心电各种波形的考察ECG Exams simulator, like h

c-pen connect (bt10)

Your C-PEN Connect companion app (https://cpen.com/bt10).Scan, save and share text. Use as a reading aid (assistive technology).Translate words and paragraphs with its embedded translation function.

aerosim checkride b747

The Aerosim Checkride B747 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience.  Checkride provides cockpit panel information ensuring accur

airline pilot checkride

Using a question-and-answer format, Airline Transport Pilot Checkride lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners during the last step in the pilot certification process – the Practical Exam – and provides succinct, ready responses. Pi

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“Decibel X” 是市面上为数极少的具有高可靠性和预校准测量的测噪计/测声计应用。 它可将您的 iOS 设备变成专业测噪计/测声计,精确测量您周围的声压水平 (SPL)。 这款工具非常有用,而且设计精美。它不仅仅是一个有着多种用途的工具,而且会给您带来很多乐趣! 您有没有想过测


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